Precision measurement techniques are growing in popularity in the agricultural industries, and many companies, such as John Deere, are pushing to help farmers improve the quality of their product and the effectiveness of land use. Though novel, targeted measurement techniques and automated equipment have been made commercially available to farmers, UAV-based imaging techniques remain a research concept with few examples of practical implementation. This project explores an image processing strategy that could greatly improve the practicality of existing research concepts UAV imaging as it applies to agriculture...
The Ames Iowa Housing Dataset is a public dataset made available by Kaggle. The dataset is a record of houses sold in Ames Iowa between the years 2006 and 2010 with each entry being represented by 79 exploratory variables and the sale price of a house. This project intends to use regression techniques to predict the sale price of houses using the exploratory variables and to determine which variables are most likely to increase the property value of a home in Ames...
Over the past fifty years, audio technology has changed dramatically, and recently, the music production industry has seen a massive transition in user preferences. With the advent of streaming services in the early 2010s, more users now prefer to stream music as opposed to owning physical copies of media. Through these changes, the once dominant vinyl record industry remains intact, and many users prefer vinyl because of the many benefits of vinyl formatting. Vinyl records lack the compression loss of digital audio files, often have greater sound quality, and can serve a collectible or novelty for the user...
As The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) is an international organization founded to promote world traded and the economic development of its member nations. Fishing trade data is among the OECD's interest, and it has several datasets that describe the fishing economy of each nation. The data recorded by the OECD changes as the needs of its member nations change, and it frequently begins recording new data while also halting the acquisition of data that hasn't proven to be useful...